April 5, 2013

{Day 5} Interrupted by Pure Joy

Whew!  This has been some week, I tell ya.  Nothing dramatic, just a week's-worth of nights of interrupted sleep that culminated in a (fortunately not severe) migraine today.  I'm really tired.

Having a migraine today was particularly "painful" because I needed energy to get some things done for co-throwing a Bridal Shower tomorrow morning and because the weather was glorious.  So much sunshine!

The kids also seem to be under the weather with something respiratory, two of them having just come off of something gastrointestinal.  Such a bummer for their little selves!

I sighed a lot today.

Finally in the late afternoon, I had the energy to get our stuff together to make some quick stops at Target and Trader Joe's for final supplies.  I decided to tag on a quick trip to the park for the kids, because it seemed so wrong not to spend any time outside today, colds or not.

As I prepared to go out, taking some things out to the car before Katherine was awake from her nap, Elizabeth followed me out the front door.  I had to cross to the other side of the car, and in that time got the most beautiful view of joy and freedom.  Elizabeth was frolicking and twirling in the sunshine on our front sidewalk - arms out, head back, a giant smile on her face.

She was greeting the spring weather with proper gusto!

That was my little grace interruption today, in the midst of the pain and the busy: witnessing such a carefree expression of joy.

I'd like to practice such expressions a little more in my life.

The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!
Psalm 126:3

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