Next Tuesday, in honor of the end of NaBloPoMo, we will crown three winners in a Sally Clarkson book giveaway!
Apologies to any of you dad or childless readers out there; though, wait, I will let you submit your wife's or a friend's name - good Christmas or baby shower gift maybe? These books are specifically written for moms. (Being pregnant certainly counts, so submit your name if you want to!)
Ministry of Motherhood

this is for homeschooling moms

Here are the contest rules and regulations (ha!):
- You must comment on the blog to have your name entered into the drawing. I will submit your name separately for each book, so let me know which you're interested in, (one, two, or all three)
- You may only win one book and only one entry per book per household.
- You'll have to email me your address, or some address, to receive your prize. Arrangements will be made privately, not here on the blog.
- I will mail anywhere in the world!
- Get a friend to enter and I'll give you an extra entry on the book of your choice!
- The contest organizer reserves the right to do whatever she wants; these rules are subject to change at any time. (I'm a dork.)
This is my comment to get entered in your drawing. ;-) I want the homeschooling book.
ReplyDeleteOh, yeah, and I miss you very much. I was just thinking about Corinne and Brian playing together during Tuesday mornings last winter, when she was calling him "B."
Jen, I'm going to enter you name twice because you're my first taker! :)
ReplyDeleteMiss you guys too! If you're up for a trip into town next Tuesday, I'll be at the Windsor House and hanging out somewhere in central sq for lunch. glad we can keep in touch in blog/facebook land.
Hey Heather! What fun, a giveaway! I'm interested in the first two books. Very fun.
ReplyDeleteLove to you guys this Thanksgiving!
Hey Heather! We miss you around here too. I love this regular blogging and mom's encouragement these days. It's been wonderful to read. I'm be interested in either of the first 2 books.
Hope y'all have a wonderful thanksgiving with lots of family around.
Well, I'm commenting, but I'm not gonna make you feel obliged to post all the way over here....were I to be picked!
ReplyDeleteThe first one looks fab. Actually, they all do, but, well, one has to choose, doesn't one?!
Oh - I love the word 'dork'! Should I?!
Anne, I'll put your name down for each drawing! I think you'd love the "Seasons" book in particular, since you're homeschooling in a place where it's not common; it's so encouraging. I don't mind shipping to you if you win; I said in the rules I'd ship overseas, mostly hoping that you'd participate, as my only regular international commenter!
ReplyDeleteDork is a wonderful word. So dorky, in fact. :)
I want to play too! I haven't read any of those, and I'm sure they are all good.
ReplyDeletepeer pressured once again ;) -- I would love to have my name in the poll for the 1st two! and then, if i don't win, point me to where I can get my hands on 'em..... LOVE you lady. thanks for being my friend!!!
ReplyDeleteMe too! I already own and have read the ministry of motherhood - either other one would be great. Thanks for the books, and even better, a great blog, Heather!
ReplyDeleteHi Heather Cambridge is not the same without you. I hope PA is treating you well. Have you met Rhonda Smith yet? I would be interested in the first two books. A friend gave me the third book and it's great I would love to see more from Sally.
ReplyDeleteI'm in! Sign me up for the first two! I've enjoyed catching up on your blog, and several of your friends blogs too! miss you.
ReplyDeleteGuess who won't create an online identity??! I have the first and third bookbut wouldlove to win the MomWalk. You willknow who I am by my STUPID BROKEN SPACE BAR. Love you! Lydia
ReplyDeletesign me up...i'm late to enter, but hopefully still in time!! i'm interested in either of the first two books :)
ReplyDeletei love you blog for so many reasons...and a give away just adds to the fun!!
I would love the Mom Walk and Seasons of Mother's heart!! I already have the first one :) Luda
ReplyDeleteGot you ladies on the list; drawing tomorrow morning!
ReplyDeleteme too, me too! Haven't read any--put me down for the least requested one.