April 17, 2015

Interrupted by Grace 2015: Ordinary Day

I'm blogging daily in April. Learn more about the series here.

The day for "this post" has come.  I cannot think of any stand-out interrupted by grace moment from yesterday!  There was one quiet moment with one of my kids where I remember thinking, this is a grace moment for sure.  But, of course, now I cannot recall what was happening then.  Life, right? 

Looking back over yesterday I am thankful that it was so ordinary.  We took Colin to work, did school work, lunched, went to Gym and Swim, watched Despicable Me 2, picked Colin up from work, had dinner, put Katherine to bed, then Brian and Colin played a Mario game on the Wii and Elizabeth and I went for a run.  After those two were in bed, I reviewed my Sunday School lesson and ironed.  By the grace of God, I cannot recall any personal moments of intense frustration or aggravation; usually I can recall at least one or two.  I guess there was some Blueberries for Sal hangover into yesterday!

Writing this for you this morning I am interrupted by grace, because I'm not embarrassed to report that I don't have anything.  In the past, I think I would feel obligated to make something more of an ordinary day and feel like I failed at writing the series.  I would, no joke.  I'm thankful that we can keep it honest around here at Life in the Valley!

How have things been this week for you?
Been keeping your eyes peeled for grace interruptions?
Have you found God faithful?

I read a verse this morning that encourages and convicts me.  I will close with it for God to use to speak to you, too.

"For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."  Luke 11:10

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