April 4, 2014

Interrupted by Grace {Day 4}: Work

Yesterday was a day at home taking it easy for the sick two, who were improved, but not yet 100%.  I don't know why it is, but I almost enjoy life more when it gives me permission to just "be" at home.  We could not make plans with friends and we couldn't go out to so anything, yet it was a lovely day.  The oddest reality of all was that I had a burst of desire to work hard and reap the benefits.  When the kids rested in the afternoon, I kept setting the timer for 10 minute intervals (Pomodoro style) to see how much I could accomplish.  Before I knew it, an hour was gone and the house had benefited.  When the older two came down from their rest for their usual post-rest date with Netflix, I was even able to write yesterday's post, on my clean, uncluttered kitchen table!

Since I let you in on the truth about my complaining spirit yesterday, today I'll let you in on another of my secrets.  Every single day I have to fight my laziness.  Man, I do not want to work!  Ever.  Then this week, coming off of our fun day at the zoo and into illness, well, I wanted to put on sweat pants for the next week and lounge about reading, checking Facebook, and watching tv.

I chose jeans, instead.

Often in my morning quiet times I confess my sloth to the Lord and get filled up with hope for the day ahead - all those future hours that could be used so well!  Then, after everyone's awake and I'm actually face-to-face with my responsibilities, I fall into my ingrained habits of ignoring or avoiding them.  Thus, yesterday I was interrupted by grace in God giving me the drive to tend to my work with joy and perseverance.

And whatever you do, whether in word or in deed,do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.  ~Colossians 3:17

Speaking of, here's something I'll be needing to do while giving thanks this weekend!
At some point you have to stop just moving the stacks around, right?  :)

Praying that you've experienced God interrupting you by grace this week, dear reader, and that it is strengthening your faith.

See you tomorrow!

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