We are told that Christ was killed for us, that His death has washed out our sins, and that by dying He disabled death itself. That is the formula. That is Christianity. That is what has to be believed.
- C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Ephesians 2:1-5
I pray that God will meet you this morning as you worship, that you would have a fresh taste of His love and mercy. Theology and doctrine are beautiful, necessary, and enhance our worship and understanding of our Lord; but the simplicity of the gospel - God saving wretches like you and me - can and must be embraced first. And it's available to anyone.
Hallelujah! He has found me,
the one my heart so long has craved.
Jesus satisfies all my longings,
through His blood I now am saved.
(from the hymn, Satisfied)
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