Come in a little closer and I'll let you in on a little secret: I don't always smell very good. And I use a lot of products to try to mask or avoid this truth: deodorant, perfume, soap.
Okay, now you know, and it really takes a load off. I do trust that you won't tell anyone. I can trust you, right? I thought so.
Did you know the Bible talks about us smelling, too?
As a follower of Christ and a child of God, you smell. God has doused you with His fragrance. For some, taking in your aroma will be as pleasant as sharing an elevator with a woman who's spritzed herself with a divine perfume. For others, you'll smell the way my garbage (with raw chicken I forgot to cook and then had to pitch) did last night when I set it out. Either way, you smell.
A friend of mine (Hey Leslie!) who I worked with pre-kids, had a fall/winter fragrance and a spring/summer fragrance. I stole this idea from her because I had two perfumes I liked but wasn't sure when to wear them. Following Leslie's lead, I took to putting some on each day and switching on the first day of spring and the first day of autumn. Being a girl is fun!
This week, these verses took smelling nice to another level for me. I'm going to write them out and hang them on the inside of the medicine cabinet, where I keep my perfume and deodorant, as a reminder to daily be the aroma of Christ to my husband, my kids, my extended family, my friends, my neighbors, and even strangers. For some, it will be like smelling roses, to others, rotting garbage. But my main concern is to honor the Lord by spritzing myself with the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. The world needs that and we're blessed by God to share in the spreading of his scent!
Perhaps you too will consider hanging these verses near your perfume or deodorant as a reminder of Christ's work in you and His plan to work through you even today. You smell! And it's exactly the way God would have it.
Did you know the Bible talks about us smelling, too?
But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task? 2 Corinthians 2:14-16
As a follower of Christ and a child of God, you smell. God has doused you with His fragrance. For some, taking in your aroma will be as pleasant as sharing an elevator with a woman who's spritzed herself with a divine perfume. For others, you'll smell the way my garbage (with raw chicken I forgot to cook and then had to pitch) did last night when I set it out. Either way, you smell.

This week, these verses took smelling nice to another level for me. I'm going to write them out and hang them on the inside of the medicine cabinet, where I keep my perfume and deodorant, as a reminder to daily be the aroma of Christ to my husband, my kids, my extended family, my friends, my neighbors, and even strangers. For some, it will be like smelling roses, to others, rotting garbage. But my main concern is to honor the Lord by spritzing myself with the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. The world needs that and we're blessed by God to share in the spreading of his scent!
Perhaps you too will consider hanging these verses near your perfume or deodorant as a reminder of Christ's work in you and His plan to work through you even today. You smell! And it's exactly the way God would have it.
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